
Fee Regulations

The academic year is divided into two semesters i.e., the first from the reopening of the college till it closes for the first terminal holidays in October and the second from the reopening after I terminal holidays to the last working day in April.

The fes for the term must be paid before the 10th working day of each term, failin which the student wil have to pay a fine of Rs. 5/- per day. If the fee is not paid with fine even by the end of 30 working days from the beginning of the term then the name of student will struck off from the rolls. Absence from college with or without leave will not exempt the students from this rule.

A student shall not be admitted after the begninng of a term unless she has paid all the fees prescribed and her name will be removed on the rolls from the begninng of the term.

Migration Certificate fee and Pass Certificate fee are payable to the S.V.University by the students from the University areas.

Particulars of Fee concession
  1. The Principal may recommend deserving poor boys for assistance from the poor students Aid Fund.
  2. The Principal may recommend poor and deserving students for the concessions offered by the state goverment and the central government.
  3. Students taking BA courses with Telugu under Part - II will be considered for full tuition fee concession on the basis of merit.
  4. Blind students are exempted from payment of college fee such as tuition fee and examination fee and they will be paid Rs.1000/- each as stipend per annum.
  5. T.T.D. emp's children are eligible for tuition fee concession.
  6. Students who study Indian Culture under Part-II are exempted from payment of tuition fee.