
Conduct of Students

  1. Every Students shall wear a Sky Blue Shirt and Navy Blue Pant.
  2. On the teacher entering the class room, the students shall rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit, or till the teacher takes his seat.
  3. No student shall leave the class room without the permission of the teacher in-charge of the class or until the class is dismissed.
  4. In regard to all matters not specified in the foregoing rules, students shall follow themselves in such a manner worthy of the best traditions on indian life and culture.
  5. Student's lodging and mess will be inspected by members of the college staff periodically and report submitt to the principal.
  6. Cases of improper behaviour inside or outside the premises of the college will be dealt with in a suitable manner by the principal.
  7. Tests will be conducted from time to time as the Heads of the Department consider desirable. Serious steps will be taken, of absence without leave.


Ragging is a crime - It's not our culture
Ragging is Strictly Prohibited

Ragging is punishable as per the law. Persons who involve themselves in ragging activity will be imprisoned for six months, a fine of Rs.5000 or both can be implemented and also dismissed from the college without any notice.

PrincipalXXXXXXXXXXCollege Office0877-2264602
Superintendent of Police0877-2289001Add. Superintendent of Police0877-2289041
Deputy Superintendent of Police9440796747Inspector of Police9491074524

Rules of Discipline

  1. Students should not take part in public demonstration, political agitations or strikes.
  2. The principal has the power to inflict the following punishments. Fine, Cancellation of attendance, Scholarship and fee concessions, Withholding of Transfer, Progress and conduct certificates, Suspension, expulsion or dismissal from the college.
  3. If a student engages himself in any activity which affects the moral and discipline of the college or interferes with the corporate life of the college. The principal may suspend, expel and refuse to issue him any certificate.
  4. The Principal or the hostel authorities may frame and issue disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct outside the college or hostel.
  5. The student should always carry his college identity card at the time of appearing for the University Examination.
Condation of Attendance

Each student shoul get minimum 75% of attendance on the total working days of the college for promotion the next class and also to write the Univerity Examinations. Candidates are eligible for condonation of attendance if, they have put in 50% of attendance on the total working days of the collge, and pay the following fee along with the condonation application together with the recomendations of the concerned principals and submit to the Controller of Examinations before commencement of examinations for promotion the next class and also to write the Univeristy Examinations (vide Roc No. B.IV(I)/Fee Enhance/2011. dt 28-6-2011 issued by the controller of Examinations)

  1. First 5 Working day @ Rs.130/-
  2. Beyond first 5 working days and below one month Rs. 180/-
  3. Beyond 30 working days @ Rs. 180/-
    1. The working day is divided into five periods of one hour duration each.
    2. Attendance shall be taken for every lecutre on practical or tutorial class of any kind prescribed by the college.
    3. Students comming late to classes are liable to be fined.
    1. Students should strictly follow the rules mentioned below relating to leave of absence from the class. Permission to leave the class may be granted by the teacher for the particular hour.
    2. In case of absence on account of illness, the student must produce a Medical certificate.
    3. When a student applies for leave and then wants to cancel it he must write to the Principal,requesting him to cancel the leave. He must do ti immediately on returning to the college.
    1. Absence for one our in any session will be conunted as absent for the session.
    2. Each day's absence without leave will be counted as absent for two days. If a student remains absent without leave for more than three days, his name will be removed from the rolls.
    1. Leave of absence will not be granted. If a student does not apply for leave of absence before he goes on leave.
    2. If the leave of absence is not recommended by his lecturer.
    3. If the reasons given by the student is not satisfactory.
Benefit of Attendance

If student abstains himself form the clas and attends to extracurricular Activities such as sports, NCC, Activities of Fine Artsand in the conduct of meeting etc., under the associations of the college, the student will be given the benefit of attendance provided the Vice/President concerned recommends it within three days from the date of absence of the student.