

About the Research Information

A University, College or any institution of higher learning is rightly proved as a community where teachers and scholars are the head, students are the body and library is its Heart.

Education becomes student cantered, and it encourages the students to play a dynamic and creative role to pursue learning and reading, making them perfect citizen.

Research is any discipline of through is an ongoing process of enhancing the existing funds of knowledge by exploring new frontiers that challenge the human quest for understanding reality.

Eight Departments in the college were recognized as Research Centres by S.V. University Tirupati. 8 Ph. D. Degrees have been awarded and under the supervision of the College faculty during the last five years. Our College faculty possess 54 Doctorate Degrees and 30 M.Phil..

The college has a collaborative Research work with IIT Chennai , Delhi University, Bits Goa Campus, Durban University ( South Africa ), South Korean University, Department of Dravyaguna, TTDs , S.V. Ayurvedic College, Tirupati, Department of Biotechnology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupai, Department of Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Physics S.V. University,Tirupati, Environmental Engineering Department,Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Department of Chemistry, Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Choudary College, Guntur, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, India, Micro Labs Limited, KIADB Industry Area, Banglore, North-West University(NWU), Department of Chemistry.

During the Academic year 2022-23, 44 Research Articles in many Scopus Indexed International Journals like, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (WJPR), International Journal of Food And Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS), International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), , Elsevier, Springer, Taylor, Francis, Bhava Veena and Musi Patrika etc., 08 Book chapters were published by various faculty members.

Dr. K. Siva Kumar, Prof of Chemistry, became fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry(UK). Further, he is selected for Editorial Board Member in Current Indian Science, also acts as Review Editor for the Journal Frontiers in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics under the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Dr. K. Siva Kumar reviewed some research articles to International Journals namely Journal of Molecular liquids, chemical data of collections.

Dr. K. Siva Kumar and Dr. P. V. Chalapathi were acted as external examiners to Ph.D. students of Department of Chemistry, Vel Tech University, Avadi, Chennai.